Tuition for dance classes is paid in nine equal monthly installments and is due by the 1st class of each month. Tuition for Yoga and Martial Arts is paid in twelve equal monthly installments and is due by the 1st class of each month.
A $15 late fee is added if tuition is unpaid after the 15th. Non-payment of fees for two months may result in the student’s exclusion from class. Students may pay the year’s tuition upon registration or make payments for multiple months if they wish. No discount is given for advanced payment.
There is an annual $20 non-refundable registration fee, per student.
The Dance Centre accepts personal checks, cash, or money orders. We do not accept credit cards. Payments may be delivered to the school during studio hours or sent through the mail. There is a fee of $50 for returned checks charged by the Dance Centre.
Recital Costumes: There is a non-refundable $60.00 deposit for each recital costume ordered, due in November. Some classes combine the same costume, therefore only one deposit is due. Students are encouraged to participate in the year-end recital, but it is not mandatory. Students are measured for costumes in late November. Size needs to be checked and approved by parent/guardian, at the front desk. Costumes are not ordered if a deposit is not received. The balance of your costume is billed in February and should be included in your March payment. Costumes are not issued unless your balance is paid in full.
All information is emailed and posted on the TDC group Band. Keep your email address current. Emailed information is also posted on the bulletin board in the lobby. Our email address is
Missed classes may be made up at the student’s (or parent’s) discretion. Speak with your teacher for the appropriate class. If the instructor cancels a class, the class is rescheduled. No tuition credits or refunds are made for missed classes. Please notify Lee if you stop taking a class.
Students who arrive late must observe from the lobby until a break between exercises, and then ask the teacher’s permission to join. Regular tardiness is unacceptable. (If a dancer is sufficiently advanced, she/he is expected to partially warm-up in the lobby.)
Classes with less than five students are subject to cancellation.
Closing due to inclement weather: Check our TDC group Band, our Facebook or Instagram for studio closing information.